Flow Cytometric Cell Sorting Core Facility
The Flow Cytometric Cell Sorting Facility provides technical services on aseptic sorting for non-infectious animal cells. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting technology (FACS) can isolate specific cell populations by their distinctive fluorescence patterns via dye labeling, with a high purity rate of over 98%. Isolated cells can be further cultured or applied to subsequent cellular functional analysis, such as nucleotide assays, protein quantification, image analysis, or in vivo assays by injecting into animals. This core facility hosts two sorters for cell sorting services, operated by two professional technicians.
Location: Room N720, Institute of Biomedical Sciences
Manager: Dr. Fu-An Li, Assistant Research Specialist, Institute of Biomedical Sciences
Contact Persons: Ms. Chia-Chen Tai and Ms. Tzu-Wen Tai, Research Assistants, Institute of Biomedical Sciences
Phone Numbers: 2652-3927 (Office); 2652-3036 (Lab)
Website: https://www.ibms.sinica.edu.tw/support_dep/index22.html
Availability: Services available to Academia Sinica faculty members and their associates, as well as research institutes and biotech companies outside AS.
Services: Aseptic sorting services for non-infectious animal cells
- Becton Dickinson FACSAria IIIu Cell Sorter
- Becton Dickinson FACSJazz Cell Sorter