The Academia Sinica Postdoctoral Scholar Program
Application Schedule:
Applications for the Postdoctoral Scholar Program are accepted twice a year. For the first round, applications are accepted from August 1 to September 1, and for the second round, applications are accepted from January 15 to March 1.(Actual application schedule is subject to the latest announcement).
Applicants with Ph.D. degrees conferred by domestic or foreign public or private universities within the last five years are eligible to apply. Following the completion of their Ph.D. degrees, applicants may defer the period for two years for each childbirth or parental leave; applicants may defer the period in accordance with the duration of military service by submitting relevant documents as proof.
Materials to Be Submitted:
All Applicants are required to compose a research proposal, including research goals and significance, literature review, methodology, and anticipated outcomes. Peer review outcomes may be adversely influenced by proposals lacking such details.
The research proposal (references included) for the Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences and the Division and Life Sciences is limited to 10 pages. The Division of Humanities and Social Sciences is not subject to this limitation.
Application Procedure:
Applicants must find a Sponsoring Mentor at Academia Sinica (AS), who will agree to sponsor their applications before submission. All applications must be processed online. (
Appointment Period:
The appointment period of the first round begins on January 1 of the following year, while the appointment period of the second round begins on July 1 of the same year. Postdoctoral scholars shall work full-time, and once approved their appointment period is two years in principle. Upon completion of the first year, all postdoctoral scholars are required to submit a progress report regarding their research, which will serve as a reference for appointment renewals and salary for the second year. The appointment period of the postdoctoral scholars is two years in principle. After completing two years, they may reapply and be appointed for a maximum of four years.
The appointment period will terminate once the Sponsoring Mentor retires. In the event of the Sponsoring Mentor's departure, a case-by-case application may be submitted, and upon approval after review, a replacement Sponsoring Mentor may be appointed. Postdoctoral scholars of the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences are not subject to this limitation.
Rights and Obligations:
Postdoctoral Scholars shall engage in the execution of research project in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Personnel Office and as per the Sponsoring Mentors. The affiliated unit may establish specific management rules based on the special needs of the discipline. Postdoctoral scholars are required to sign a work contract and declaration stating that they are not the spouse or relative within the third degree of kinship, by blood or marriage, of AS's president, unit supervisor or Sponsoring Mentor at the time of employment.
In addition to the aforementioned AS-appointed postdoctoral scholars, please go to Vacancies for postdoctoral positions available at various AS institutes and research centers, or contact principal investigators of interest.
For more information, please contact:
Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences: Ms. Tseng, Tel: 886-2-2789-9386
Division of Life Sciences: Ms. Chien, Tel: 886-2-2789-9676
Division of Humanities and Social Sciences: Mr. Lin, Tel: 886-2-2787-2718